A downloadable game

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This is an island adventure written by Robin Fjärem for Cairn, the fantasy RPG by Yochai Gal.

Note: This is an anthology of all Salthaven content. It includes the original adventure together with these previously released supplements: Town Gazetteer, Sewers, and Myths & Legends.

The quiet fishing town of Salthaven, located on an island with the same name, is suddenly plagued by terrible storms. No ships are able to leave or dock due to the relentless waves pummeling the shoreline. There are even rumors that people have been attacked by terrible monsters washing up on the shore. Panic is spreading among the populace and a sinister marsh cult is quick to take advantage of this by recruiting the scared townsfolk to their cause.

Packed in 12 pages of content you will find:

  • A town under attack from both sea and land
  • An impostor pirate captain
  • A sinister cult trying to awaken a terrible monster
  • A clock counting down the impending doom
  • A one-page dungeon
  • 18 enemies with stats for Cairn
  • A town map with 11 keyed locations
  • d6 random jobs
  • 2d6 random events
  • 6 crew members to hire
  • d100 items found on the street
  • A system for procedurally generating the Salthaven underground
  • 18 underground locations filled with story hooks
  • A description of the enigmatic eelfolk
  • 4 legends that serve as adventure sparks
  • Adventure hooks for each legend
  • Several relics


Buy Now$3.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $3 USD. You will get access to the following files:

salthaven_anthology_pages.pdf 2.7 MB
salthaven_anthology_printer_friendly.pdf 1.4 MB
Maps.zip 1.3 MB

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Development log


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The "Sewers" supplement mentions Sea Devils and says to "see Salthaven" but I can't find any mention to them in basic game module. Is there a missing Bestiary?

Also, it says that Captain Brackwater has a pistol and it seems appropriate for there to be canons. Does anyone have resources or suggestions for primitive guns in Cairn?

Thanks- D


I have been looking for an on ramp into TTRPGs for my 13 and 11 year old and picked Salthaven in Cairn as my starting point. I have never GM'ed and it has been decades since I played, but this well developed setting in a rules light system I think will be good for us.

That sounds like a great time. Have fun!


Hmmm, I'm thinking this would go well with Lilliputian - adventure on the open seas.


I was talking in the Mausritter Discord about how much I absolutely love this setting and adventure, so I thought I'dleave a comment. I haven't played Cairn, but this adapted easily to smaller mice and my group thoroughly enjoyed our sessions playing this as an island themed version of Mouse Guard lol.

We usually play a 'mice in a human world' setting (whether the humans are still around, or have since vanished, is variable), but this was great as a little grittier of an environment than we were all used to. 

Combined with the Gazetteer and the Sewers supplements, Salthaven will always have a place in my worlds =) Thanks enabling some great memories with your lovely world!

Thank you so much for your comment! It means so much to me to see people playing what I make. And Mausritter is just fantastic. Fun to see it adapted to the world of mice :)


ADVENTURE CONTENT! - what we need more of. Thank you for providing this.


I agree! Glad you enjoy it!