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Hmmm, I'm thinking this would go well with Lilliputian - adventure on the open seas.


I was talking in the Mausritter Discord about how much I absolutely love this setting and adventure, so I thought I'dleave a comment. I haven't played Cairn, but this adapted easily to smaller mice and my group thoroughly enjoyed our sessions playing this as an island themed version of Mouse Guard lol.

We usually play a 'mice in a human world' setting (whether the humans are still around, or have since vanished, is variable), but this was great as a little grittier of an environment than we were all used to. 

Combined with the Gazetteer and the Sewers supplements, Salthaven will always have a place in my worlds =) Thanks enabling some great memories with your lovely world!

Thank you so much for your comment! It means so much to me to see people playing what I make. And Mausritter is just fantastic. Fun to see it adapted to the world of mice :)


ADVENTURE CONTENT! - what we need more of. Thank you for providing this.


I agree! Glad you enjoy it!